Men’s Health Magazine Subscription

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Men’s Health Magazine

Every issue of Mens Health Magazine provides authoritative, helpful advice on the subjects that matter to you. From general health, weight loss and fitness advice, to nutrition and meal plans, Men’s Health features essential information, training, expert tips and the latest gear reviews. Award winning Men’s Health is the UK’s biggest selling quality men’s magazine and also covers a wide range of important topics such as sex and relationships, style and grooming, travel and money.

Each issue of your subscription gives you full, instant access to the premium subscriber-only content featured on the official website such as extra in-depth articles on health and fitness. Your print subscription now also includes digital editions for no extra cost. Plus, you can access back issues of Men’s Health Magazine in digital format. Don’t miss out – subscribe today!

In recent issues of Men’s Health Magazine

Vin Diesel’s plan for total body power – built like a tank in just 6 moves… 31 days to a 6-pack – rock hard abs in 5 easy moves… Blitz your gut for good and get fitter than ever in just 6 weeks… Muscle tips from HBO’s True Blood… 51 ways to burn fat… The 20 minute detox plan… Land your perfect job – 17% less work, 13% more cash… Build Green Lantern abs with our superhero workout… 13 new drugs that turn back time… Attack-proof your heart in your sleep… The Sex & lies issue – indulge every vice, never pay the price… For more great articles like this, order your Men’s Health subscription now and receive the magazine first every month.

How much is a subscription to Men’s Health Magazine?

Men’s Health Magazine subscriptions start from just £3.00.

How do I subscribe?

  1. Compare subscription prices above, then click Subscribe Now on your preferred offer.
  2. You will be taken to the retailer's website where you will be able to select your payment method and subscription duration.
  3. At checkout you can choose whether to receive the magazine yourself or to purchase Men’s Health Magazine as a gift subscription.